Sean Choolburra on stage MC'ing at Giiyong Festival 2022. Photo by David Rogers.

Call the Pambulance! Sean’s back!

After winning the NSW Raw Comedy final in 2002, Sean headlined the Dreaming Festival 2005–2008, and has performed at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, the Scottish Storytelling Festival, and the Adelaide Fringe Festival. He appeared on TV in the NRL Footy Show, Thank God You're Here and the Melbourne International Comedy Festival Gala. He has hosted and recently performed at Deadly Funny in Melbourne, Adelaide & Perth.

He has previously performed at the Sydney Opera House and the Melbourne Comedy Festival with his one man show Oil of my Land, which drew on his life experiences as an aboriginal growing up and gave perfect opportunity for blending his skills as a dancer and didge player.

Hailing from Townsville, Sean has an established career as a dancer: he created the Ngaru Dance Company, and performed all over the world with the Bangarra Dance Company, including by invitation for the Dalai Lama, Hale & Pace and Prince Charles. But these days, Sean is in constant demand as an MC and Comedian for official functions, corporate events, theatre shows, comedy clubs, workshops, openings & festivals.


